Acovene Team

ACOVENE is a voluntary organisation founded in 2007 to accredit veterinary nurse education programmes in Europe.

Julie dugmore BW 700×740

Julie Dugmore RVN

ACOVENE Chair and
Representative of a European regulatory body (RCVS), United Kingdom
image-700×740 Emily

Emily Murray RVN

Representative of a European accreditation organisation (VCI), Ireland
image-700×740 Heidi

Heidi Rasch Johnsen VN

Representative of a European association of veterinary nurses, Norway
image-700×740 Zoe

Professor Zoe Polizopoulou

Practising veterinary surgeon representing FECAVA (Federation of European Companion Animal Veterinary Associations), EBVS® European Specialist in Veterinary Clinical Pathology
image-700×740 Matthew

Matthew Rendle RVN

Representative of a European regulatory body (RCVS), United Kingdom

Dr. Nienke Dijkerman

ACOVENE Treasurer and Representative of a European educational institute in veterinary nursing, The Netherlands

Dr. Maurizio Albano

Representative of a European educational institute in veterinary nursing, Italy
image-700×740 Krista

Dr. Krista Arnold

Practising veterinary surgeon, United Kingdom